TailBlazr Verification Process

When planning a day out with your furry friend, it’s important that you can trust the information you find.

There’s nothing worse than making plans to meet some friends only to find out that information was incorrect and the place you’ve arrived at is not dog friendly. We’ve been there, and it’s part of the reason why TailBlazr exists today.

That’s why we want to tell you about the verification process on TailBlazr – so you can be confident that everywhere you go will be friendly to both you and your do

Verifying Dog Friendly Places

TailBlazr is built on its community – meaning that we allow dog parents to add venues to the website. We encourage this so that others can discover new places in their area!

Before publishing new places, we manually review every single submission to validate that they are not only dog tolerant – but dog friendly. This means they have to meet at least one of our Pooch Perks criteria.

Pooch Perks are used to highlight dog friendly features that a place offers – such as water being available, being allowed indoors, treats, etc.

A place added to TailBlazr may be validated based on one, or several, of the following:

  • Our personal experience and knowledge from visiting a venue
  • Available information on the venues website/social media/reviews
  • Calling or emailing the venue to validate if they are dog friendly / which pooch perks they accommodate

If we are unable to verify a venue, we will not add it to TailBlazr. It’s as simple as that.

Verification Ticks - What are they?

Whilst all venues on TailBlazr have been manually reviewed, some places will have verification ticks beside their name.

This means the business listing has been claimed by the venue itself, the venue has one of our dog friendly window stickers, or both, meaning we’ve had more interaction with the business beyond initial verification.

We allow businesses to claim their listings so they can add information themselves – such as videos, images, pooch perks, their opening hours and more. 

Notice something wrong?

Sometimes a place can change, close down, information could become outdated, or may not be helpful. In the rare event this happens, you can simply report a listing or get in touch.

On any listing, simply click “Report a Problem” and it will be flagged to us for review.

Please also refer to our Disclosure Policy as whilst we verify dog friendly places, we can’t guarantee a level of service or take responsibility for anything at the venue.

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Explore dog friendly places near you with TailBlazr.

Discover cafes, restaurants, bars, retail stores, accommodation and more where your furry friend is always welcome.

Join our community to share new dog friendly places, or to claim a listing as a business.

© 2025 TailBlazr Limited. All rights reserved.

Company Number: 16090823.
Registered Office: TailBlazr, Bartle House, 9 Oxford Court, Manchester, M2 3WQ